Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Tagged by Gail; The Boggers Game

I was Tagged by Gail Ragsdale http://artbygail.blogspot.com/
The rules of the Blogger's Tag game are: 1. put a link in your posting about the artist that tagged you. 2. write 6 -7 unusual things about yourself. 3. tag 4 - 7 other Bloggers and let them know. (Which I did when this was a new listing) Here are seven things you may not know about me:
1. I slept with the light on till I married. (That was because I didn't like the Dark, terrorised by much older Sister).
2. When I was at Pony Club Camp, If I had to go to the Loo tent in the woods, in the middle of the night. I would wake my friend Helen up(She never really woke up actually, I'm sure), to take her with me, I'd prop her against a tree while I used the facilities, then walk her back to our team tent, and her camp bed.
3. I was born at St.Mary's hospital, my Mother couldn't think of a name for me, so the nurse suggested Linda. & 4. It was snowing when I was born.
5. I like to eat vanilla Icecream,or cornish, with plain chocolate digestive biscuits crunched into it, and I have to eat it out of a cup or mug, I dont know why, I just like it.
6. The first Pony I actually owned was named 'Toreador', a Chocolate Dun little New Forest pony, who was so fast,& adept at jumping he wasn't caught by the foresters to sell, till he was 5yrs old.
7. When we were very young children, my friend Frances and I had a string each of sock hobby horses. We were very proud of them, and wouldn't let anyone else, ride them. They were stabled in her Grandparent's garden shed.


Jennifer MacNeill said...

Great list! I did the Pony Club camp thing too for a week. Had a blast and won my level's jumping class at the camp-end horse show.

Blackfeatherfarm said...

I love your fact list, especially the one about your first pony.
I will post about being tagged soon, and thanks !
I will check out Break Heart Ranch too.

OSWOA (Original Small Works Art) Awards

OSWOA (Original Small Works Art) Awards